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[대한민국] 한국특허청 상표출원시 기본 지정상품의 개수를 20개에서 10개로 일부축소 변경 (2023.08.01 시행)

겸사복 2024. 2. 7. 18:59

최초작성일 : 2024. 02. 07

수정일 : 2024. 02. 07

본 내용은 지식재산 관련 업무에 꼭 필요한 정보만을 요약한 것이며, 이는 특허관리 소프트웨어에 통합되는 기초자료가 됩니다. 해당 주제와 관련된 질문이나 의견이 있는 경우, 제공된 이메일을 통해 언제든지 문의하시거나 아래의 댓글로 의견을 남겨주세요.

Below is a summary of information essential for intellectual property-related tasks, and this serves as foundational material integrated into the patent management software. If you have any questions or opinions related to the topic, please feel free to contact us via the provided email or leave a comment below.


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[대한민국] 한국특허청 상표출원시 기본 지정상품의 개수를 20개에서 10개로 일부축소 변경
(2023.08.01 시행)


[Republic of Korea] The number of basic designated products when applying for a trademark at the Korea Intellectual Property Office has been partially reduced from 20 to 10.

(effective August 1, 2023)


Topic /subtitle

KIPO's Policy Adjustments on Trademark and Patent Fees /

Regarding partial reduction of the number of basic designated products when applying for a trademark



The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) has implemented significant policy adjustments aimed at reducing the financial burden on inventors and business owners. These adjustments include a 10% reduction in patent registration fees and modifications in trademark application fee structures.


Main Content

Patent Registration Fee Reduction:

KIPO announced a broad 10% reduction in patent registration fees to foster innovation and support inventors.


Trademark Application Fee Structure:

A specific focus has been placed on adjusting the fee structure for trademark applications. The policy introduces a revised fee system that reduces the costs for small business owners and self-employed individuals by adjusting the number of designated goods in applications, thereby streamlining the process and making it more cost-effective.


Rationale and Impact:

These changes are designed to alleviate the economic pressures on patent and trademark applicants, encouraging a more vibrant and dynamic environment for intellectual property creation and protection in Korea. The adjustment in trademark designated goods aims to prevent the registration of unused trademarks, enhancing the efficiency of trademark selection and usage.



KIPO's policy adjustments represent a strategic effort to enhance the intellectual property framework in Korea, making it more accessible and economically feasible for innovators and entrepreneurs. By reducing fees and simplifying processes, KIPO aims to stimulate creativity, promote a healthy intellectual property market, and support the country's economic development.

